Bible Study - 10 AM
​​Morning Worship - 11 AM
Afternoon Worship - 4 PM

Bible Study - 7:00 PM

News & Announcements


We thank you for your interest in our website and congregation. We hope that you will find the information to folllow the Bible and the Truth found within the inspired word of God. 

Please take advantage of listening to recent sermons and reading articles that edify, encourage, and help us in our efforts to serve God each day. 

The West End congregation is one of the early churches of Christ planted in Richmond (1961). Our building is convienent and easily found at 4909 Patterson Avenue. If you're new to the Richmond area and looking for a Christian family to worship God with, we invite you to come and worship with us this Sunday. We also meet on Wednesday evenings for mid-week Bible Study. Our purpose is to serve God and one another. We hope you will join with us soon.

Upcoming Events

  1. Wed Bible Study
    Wednesday, March 5th, 20257:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    Sunday, March 9th, 202510:00am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    Sunday, March 9th, 202511:00am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    Sunday, March 9th, 20254:00pm
  5. Wed Bible Study
    Wednesday, March 12th, 20257:00pm